A possible cause of higher cooling costs could be insufficient attic ventilation, requiring the cooling system to run excessively. In warm weather, inadequate ventilation will trap hot air in the attic.
A possible cause of higher cooling costs could be insufficient attic ventilation, requiring the cooling system to run excessively. In warm weather, inadequate ventilation will trap hot air in the attic, causing air-conditioning systems to work harder, or leaving your home’s interior hotter and less comfortable. In both hot and cold weather, moisture in the attic can become trapped and condense on the rafters if it’s not insulated properly. This moisture can drip down onto the insulation and reduce its effectiveness, potentially increasing energy costs.
The Benefits of Energy Efficient
As reported by the Cool Artech Roofing Coalition and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, installation of reflective artech roofing can save your home up to 40% in summer cooling energy costs while highly emissive artech roofs can reduce urban air temperatures by as much as 12 ° F. Combined, these benefits mean less money out of your wallet, less dependence on energy resources and less general air pollution in your neighborhood and across the nation.
Possible cause: Insufficient attic ventilation causes heating/cooling system to run excessively
In warm weather, inadequate ventilation will trap hot air in the attic, causing air conditioning systems to work harder, or leaving your home’s interior hotter and less comfortable. Attic Ventilation: In both hot and cold weather, insufficient attic ventilation may cause moisture in the attic to become trapped and condense on the rafters. This condensed moisture can drip down onto the insulation and reduce its effectiveness.